Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Skirting the Law!

I'm a week behind on this story but it's so crazily skirt-centric I had to comment! Kyla Ebbert, a 23-year-old college student and Hooters employee, was nearly kicked off a Southwest airlines flight for wearing a white denim miniskirt a flight attendant deemed too short. She was removed from the plane, lectured in earshot of the passengers, advised to buy a less-revealing outfit from a gift shop, and then allowed to reboard anyway, as long as she tugged down her skirt and pulled up her scoop neckline. Shortly after that, another woman got the same humiliating lecture on a different SW flight, and was made to cover up with a blanket before takeoff. Un-be-lieveable. The women obtained legal counsel, natch, and appearances on the Today Show and Dr. Phil. But I think they need to rally the enthusiasm along the lines of Zoe Hinkle, the 10-year-old Pennsylvania girl who protested her school's Draconian dress code last year and marched in a blue denim miniskirt while waving a sign that read "Style is Freedom!" No doubt this story will be passed off as a joke (the airline issued a mock press release on the subject in what must be an attempt to steer public opinion into thinking the two women are flakes), but I think it's a story worth watching. Will Southwest Airlines start an official dress code? Can a flight attendant have absolute power to determine clothes appropriate for a "family airline" (the reason given for Kyla's reprimand) and not?

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