Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Cookbook Chronicles

As always happens when exciting things are happening in my busy life, I've been super lazy-bones about documenting the developments on this blog. Well, thank goodness for Lorna Yee, my new partner in our newest venture: Eat, Drink, and Be Married, a cookbook for newlyweds, due out from Sasquatch Books in March, 2010. Lorna, the chef for Cache Seattle and a food writer for Seattle magazine, started a blog called The Cookbook Chronicles (which I've contributed to twice but ideally I will do so more often) that documents her recipe crafting—she's the super-star chef—while I'm writing text and sidebars that will inspire newlyweds to learn to love cooking together.

Lorna's recipes are fantastic and I have no doubt couples are going to go crazy over this book. On my end, I'm gathering love-and-food stories from different people in the food world—chefs, sommeliers, farmers, vintners—whomever!—who have romantic, funny or wise stories to share about their experiences with food and their spouse. So far the response has been fantastic and we've even gotten a little bit of pre-press in the Seattle P-I, Devouring Seattle and Seattle Magazine.

So unless I fall off the wagon again and stop blogging (was that an apt metaphor? probably not...), expect regular updates about Eat, Drink, and Be Married, as well as links to Lorna's goings-on on The Cookbook Chronicles. In the meantime, be sure to check Seattle Bride magazine's blog for updates.


Ariel said...

Interesting. I remember writing blogging under that title, Eat Drink and Be Married.

Ali Basye said...

Yes, it's amazing that no one has grabbed that title for a cookbook, as it's a super popular phrase in the wedding industry. We felt lucky to snag it! :)